Saturday, July 21, 2012


Still no name for our little granddaughter! That is, apart from the one that Anne devised for her ... "Schoene Liebe Kleine Keine Name..." (German for 'Beautiful dear little no-name'!)
We saw everyone at the hospital in the morning, and then went with Gerard to the Nambu Markets (where he hadn't been before) and we all poked around again. And, true to our intent, we did have lunch at the little shop where the lady had given us coffee the other day.
Gerard came back with us to the hotel in the afternoon. After explaining to him that we couldn't find a way to get our photos from our cameras to the computer, Gerard and Bernie had it all done within about 20 minutes! I had given up in distress over the previous few months, when I couldn't work it out, Bruce had partially worked it out, the system that the guy from Apple gave me didn't work properly, and all seemed a forlorn project. I should have relied on Bernie and Gerard's skills a lot earlier!
In the early evening, we went to the hospital, thinking we would both see mother and (in the isolation ward) 'Schoene Liebe Kleine Keine Name' but although Hyeja was there, Gerard had apparently gone off to see Sang-eui. We had thought that we were going out with him, and that he was coming back to stay at the hotel while David was back in Seoul, but it didn't work out that way. And Hyeja was called away (we think to express milk) after we had been speaking to her for 45 minutes or so, so after waiting for her for some time, we simply left her a note saying we had to go, and left the hospital, heading back to the hotel, but stopping for an evening meal on the way. A cold, but spicy bibimbap, which was very nice.


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